Birds With Probable Avian flu are Calling B.C. Wildlife Rescue Centers in Droves, According to the Organizations

Birds With Probable Avian flu are Calling B.C. Wildlife Rescue Centers in Droves, According to the Organizations

The provincial and federal governments warn citizens against handling sick birds, and wildlife rehabilitation facilities report an increase in calls from concerned citizens who wish…
Parkour Maneuvers are Used By Squirrels to Jump From Branch to Branch

Parkour Maneuvers are Used By Squirrels to Jump From Branch to Branch

Advanced acrobatics are essential for the survival of squirrels. The slightest mistake could result in death when jumping between curved branches that wobble in the…
What is Going Green?

What is Going Green?

Going “green” entails making decisions that are more ecologically sensitive and utilizing a variety of practical techniques to lessen the impact of your lifestyle on…
Dolphin Recorded Speaking Porpoise for the First Time

Dolphin Recorded Speaking Porpoise for the First Time

Kylie, a wild dolphin in Scotland, has been witnessed conversing in their “language” with her adopted family of harbor porpoises, marking a rare world-first in…
Gene-Edited Beef Cattle Resistant To Heat Stress Approved By FDA

Gene-Edited Beef Cattle Resistant To Heat Stress Approved By FDA

Beef from cattle that have been genetically modified to be more resistant to heat stress might soon be available on American dinner tables. The US…
False Widow Spider Spotted Killing and Eating Bats for the First Time

False Widow Spider Spotted Killing and Eating Bats for the First Time

The deadly bite of the black widow is feared by arachnophobes, a reputation that has been unfairly applied to the noble false widow (Steatoda nobilis),…
Bees Ejaculate Themselves to Death If Things Get Too Hot

Bees Ejaculate Themselves to Death If Things Get Too Hot

If you’ve ever seen a dead bee that looks like it’s partially burst, it’s likely that it died a more NSFW death than you imagined…
Australian Scientists Are Attempting To Bring the Thylacine Back From Extinction

Australian Scientists Are Attempting To Bring the Thylacine Back From Extinction

A group of scientists from the University of Melbourne in Australia are seeking to resurrect the extinct marsupial over 90 years after the last one…
You Look Ridiculous Scientists Tell Big-Nosed Bat upon Rediscovery after 40-Year Hiatus

You Look Ridiculous Scientists Tell Big-Nosed Bat upon Rediscovery after 40-Year Hiatus

The Hill’s horseshoe bat was recovered in the net of a team of conservationists in the Nyungwe Forest National Park in Rwanda recently, marking its…
The Dog Who Kept Pushing Kids into a River to Acquire Steak Rewards

The Dog Who Kept Pushing Kids into a River to Acquire Steak Rewards

According to a New York Times report from the time, in 1908 Paris, there resided a dog that was obviously not a nice lad. The…
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