Project Pigeon Trained Birds to Guide Bombs in WWlI It pays to be resourceful during times of conflict, and World War Two (WWII) was not afraid to be innovative when it came to rations,…
Scientists Tested Cats with Scooped Out Eyeballs to See What Makes Them Land on Their Feet Scientists have accomplished a great deal. Diseases that have cured, On Mars, I have piloted a helicopter. However, one group of them once looked at…
Footprints on Welsh Beach Turn Out To Be 200 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Tracks During the first part of the nineteenth century, Mary Anning was engaged in revolutionizing paleontology. How did she pull it off? Going for beach walks…
Morning Glory Has a Hell of a Psychedelic Story Morning glory (Convolvulaceae) seeds contain LSD-like compounds that have the potential to treat everything from depression to Parkinson’s disease, at least if trials permitted. Morning…