
Define human resources management.”All human resource managers are personnel managers but all personnel managers may not be human resource managers.” Explain the statement.

Define human resources management.”All human resource managers are personnel managers but all personnel managers may not be human resource managers.” Explain the statement.

Human Resource Management is the pan of the organization that is concerned with the ‘people’ dimension HRM deals with human relations of an organization starting from recruitment to Labor relation HRM is concerned with the people dimension of management. It IS a process of acquisition, development- motivation, and maintenance of human resources of an organization. Many authors define it is different manner. Some of them are quoted below:

  • According to M.J. Jucious: “The field of HRM involves Planning, Organization, Directing and Controlling functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a labor force.
  • According to Dale Yoder: “HRM is the provision of leadership and direction of people in their working or employment relationship.
  • According to Mathis and Jackson: “HRM is the effective use of Human resources in an organization through the management of people-related activities.

Human resource management is the new version of personnel management. There is no watertight difference between humån resource management and personnel management. The main difference between personnel management and human resource management is that the former is the .traditional approach the latter represents the modern approach toward managing people in an enterprise.

  1. Personnel management is a traditional approach to managing people in the organization Human resource management is a modern approach to managing people and their strengths in the organization.
  2. Personnel management focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare, and labor relation. Human resource management focuses on the acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance of human resources in the organization.
  3. Personnel management assumes people as an Input for achieving the desired output. Human resource management assumes people as an important and valuable resource for achieving the desired output.
  4. Under personnel management, personnel function is undertaken for employee satisfaction. Under human resource management, the administrative function is undertaken for goal achievement.
  5. Under personnel management. job design is done on the basis of division of labor. Under human resource management, the job design function is done on the basis of group teamwork.
  6. Under personnel management, employees are provided with fewer training and development opportunities. Under human resource management, employees are provided with more training and development opportunities.
  7. In personnel management, decisions are Inade by the top management as per the rules and regulations of the organization. In human resource management, decisions are made collectively after considering employees’ participation, authority, decentralization cornpetitlvc environnwnt, etc.
  8. Personnel management focuses on Increased production and satisfied employees. Human resource management föcuses on effectiveness, culture, productivity, and employee participation.
  9. Personnel management •is concerned with personnel managers. Human resource management is concerned with all levels of managers from top to bottom.
  10. Personnel management is a routine function. Human resource management is a strategic function.

So we can say “all human resource managers are personnel managers but all personnel managers may’ not be human resource managers.