
Definition of Coordination

Definition of Coordination

Co-ordination is the unification, consolidation, and co-ordination of the efforts of the members of the group so as to provide unity of action in achieving common goals. It is a hidden force that binds all other functions of management. Synthesis compounds are molecules that hold a metal nucleus attached to a ligand (atom, ion or molecule that donates electrons to the metal). These Coordination can be neutralized or charged. When the complex is charged, it is stabilized by neighboring counter-ions. 

Coordination is the essence of management or managerial ship; the purpose of management is to achieve harmony of individual effort towards achieving group goals. Management seeks to coordinate through the basic functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. For this reason, coordination management is not a separate task because achieving consistency between individual efforts to achieve group goals is the key to management success. Co-ordination is the essence of management and it is inherent and inherent in all the tasks of management. 

It also brings harmony in carrying out the different tasks and activities to achieve the organization’s objectives efficiently. Coordination is an important aspect of any group effort. When an individual is working, there is no need for coordination. It is a process by which managers achieve consistent group efforts and unity of action to achieve a common goal. The manager brings this process because he performs the basic managerial tasks of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.