
India’s Zomato Says It Will Deliver Food in 10 Minutes in a Global First

India’s Zomato Says It Will Deliver Food in 10 Minutes in a Global First

You’ve certainly heard of — and perhaps tried — businesses that bring groceries to your door in 10 minutes. But what if you could have the same experience for a hot, freshly made lunch and dinner? Zomato, an Indian company that has struggled to deliver groceries in 10 minutes in the past but has recently made money for its shareholders, is fired up to do so. The business, which previously claimed drone deliveries, announced today that beginning next month, it will begin delivering food in 10 minutes in its home city of Gurugram, in what looks to be a world-first for any food delivery company. 

This new service is dubbed Zomato Instant by the firm. Zomato says that it would not put pressure on or punish its delivery partners to meet a 10-minute delivery deadline. Indeed, the publicly traded corporation claims that its delivery partners would be unaware that the orders are meant to be delivered in 10 minutes. In a blog post, Deepinder Goyal, the CEO of Zomato, said, “Time optimization does not happen on the road, and it does not put any lives in danger.” 

“A dense finishing station network, positioned in close proximity to high-demand client neighborhoods, is critical to delivering on our speedy delivery guarantee.” To ensure that your food remains sterile, fresh, and hot at the moment it is picked by the delivery partner, sophisticated dish-level demand forecast algorithms and future-ready in-station robotics are used,” he said.

The news comes just days after Zomato agreed to buy Blinkit, a loss-making company that switched to quick grocery delivery last year. Goyal tweeted today, “This is one of the most significant endeavors toward our goal statement of “better food for more people.” Zomato has already dabbled in the 10-minute supermarket delivery market. Its acquisition of Blinkit and the subsequent merger will most likely provide it access to a large number of dark shops that can supply the results.