Plants and Animals

Killer Whales Recorded Hunting Largest Animal on Earth for First Time

Killer Whales Recorded Hunting Largest Animal on Earth for First Time

Back in 2019, researchers noticed blood collecting in the deep, frothy waters off Western Australia, alerting them to a gruesome spectacle unfolding in front of their eyes. A pod of killer whales attacked a blue whale ahead of them, stripping it of flesh and exposing bone until the carcass sank. While such a violent death may be difficult to stomach for some, the orca pod’s amazing behavior was significant: it was the first-ever recorded case of killer whales bringing down Earth’s largest animal. The crew led by Cetacean Research Centre (CETREC WA) continued to follow the pod to see if they would do it again, curious as to whether the ambitious hunt was a fluke (excuse the pun). 

They did it again a fortnight later, this time creating a gang with many of the same individuals as before, hunting, and killing a blue whale calf. They were at it again in 2021, slaughtering yet another calf. Orcas’ deadly abilities have been documented in the journal Marine Mammal Science. Orcas are already known to be ambitious and skilled hunters as impressive apex predators that take on sharks (sometimes slicing off the liver) and numerous whale species. Prior to the sighting in 2019, no one knew were capable of killing blue whales, which may grow to be over 33 meters (110 feet) long and are the world’s largest animals.

Killer Whales Recorded Hunting Largest Animal on Earth for First Time

Orcas harassing and assaulting blue whales are not exactly new, but these three predation occurrences, according to researchers from Flinders University in Australia, are the first confirmed killings. It may appear that an orca’s quest is insurmountable at only 7-10 meters (23 to 32 feet) in length, yet these mammals travel in pods of up to 100 members. Orcas are also extremely sociable and clever animals with intricate communication skills, allowing them to coordinate attacks for the best results. The torturous process of capturing the world’s largest mammal is difficult to decipher, but it is definitely a tremendous effort for a gang of marine predators.

In a statement submitted to IFLScience, co-author and Flinders University Candidate Isabella Reeves said, “At arrival, we already spotted a big flesh wound on the top of its skull with bone visible.” “The dorsal fin had been bitten off by the killer whales and was missing.” “Shortly after, large chunks of skin and blubber were ripped from the sides of the whale; the blue was bleeding profusely and weakening, as evidenced by its slow speed… Near the end, a female animal lunged headfirst into the blue’s mouth, presumably to feed on the tongue, the whale weakened even more, and we didn’t see the carcass again.”