
Nature of Management

Nature of Management

The nature of management is not a straightforward concept; it has a number of unique parameters. In order to accomplish its predetermined aims, the organization has been working on these parameters.

Multi-Disciplinary: Management is essentially interdisciplinary. This suggests that management has evolved from other fields, such as physiology, sociology, etc. In order to present a fresh concept that can be used for managing the business, management blends knowledge, ideas, and concepts from the aforementioned disciplines. The human factor is a crucial component of any organization, according to sociology. According to psychology, the human make-up has a significant part in productivity, therefore by knowing workers’ attitudes, one may encourage and lead the human element in the business to achieve goals by employing this notion.

Principle’s Dynamic Nature: Management contains some guiding principles that are grounded in empirical data, but these concepts are adaptable and alter as the external environment does. Older principles will be replaced by a new principle as fields’ speeds continue to accelerate.

Relative rather than the universal rule: Since management principles are adaptable but not outmoded, they can be used as needed by an organization. Each organization may differ from the others in a number of ways, including the organization’s age, location, society, and cultural considerations.

Science and art of management: The question of whether management is a science or art still generates debate, but the answer is that it is both.

The profession of management: Although many have argued that it hasn’t attained the stature of a profession, management has been viewed as a career.

The Pervasiveness Of Management: Management is a common occurrence. The management principle must be adjusted to fit the circumstances because it is not universally applicable. According to the nature of management, it is a multidisciplinary phenomenon with flexible, relative, and absolute rules.