The Ursa Major Constellation

The Ursa Major Constellation

Ursa Major, often known as the Great Bear in the northern hemisphere, is the largest constellation in the sky. It is the third-largest of the…
Describe a Nebula

Describe a Nebula

The Greek word for “cloud” inspired the name of a nebula. Nebulae (plural) occur in a variety of shapes and sizes and captivate individuals who…
Yuri Gagarin was the First Man in Space

Yuri Gagarin was the First Man in Space

Yuri Gagarin was the first man to set foot in space. On April 12, 1961, he flew for 108 minutes aboard the Soviet Union’s Vostok…
What is the Heliocentric Universe Model?

What is the Heliocentric Universe Model?

The 16th and 17th centuries saw unparalleled learning and discoveries during the Scientific Revolution. The foundations of contemporary science were formed during this time, courtesy…
How do Constellations Connect to Star Patterns?

How do Constellations Connect to Star Patterns?

Constellations: There are a number of various ways to define constellations, but most people understand them to be collections of stars. Frequently, it’s a collection…
Third-place Finisher Disqualified After GPS Tracking Data Reveals She Used a Car

Third-place Finisher Disqualified After GPS Tracking Data Reveals She Used a Car

A runner who utilized a car in part during the 80-kilometer (50-mile) Manchester to Liverpool Ultra event has been disqualified. On April 7, Dr. Joasia…
Africa is Divided Into two Continents, Which Could Create a new, Enormous Ocean

Africa is Divided Into two Continents, Which Could Create a new, Enormous Ocean

Africa is gradually splitting in two. Like anything in geology, it will take millions of years, but ultimately, a portion of East Africa will separate…
Finally, the “Triple-Dip” La Nia is Over, but El Nio is Now Looming

Finally, the “Triple-Dip” La Nia is Over, but El Nio is Now Looming

The extraordinary “triple-dip” La Nia weather phenomenon, which cooled the Pacific Ocean and influenced Earth’s weather for the previous three years, appears to be over.…
Scientists Implanted Deer Cells Into Mice, and “Mini Antlers” Grew on Their Heads

Scientists Implanted Deer Cells Into Mice, and “Mini Antlers” Grew on Their Heads

According to a recent article, researchers have created “mini-antlers” on mice by introducing deer genes into the mouse genome. The findings imply that some regenerative…
Nitrate in Plastic Wrapped and Tap Water Could Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Nitrate in Plastic Wrapped and Tap Water Could Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer

There is mounting evidence that you can reduce your chance of developing cancer. While smoking and alcohol are the obvious offenders that can pave the…
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