
What are the best Eventbrite alternatives? Why are so many event organizers seeking for Eventbrite alternatives?

What are the best Eventbrite alternatives? Why are so many event organizers seeking for Eventbrite alternatives?

We frequently talk with event organizers of all sizes who tell us they are looking for an alternative to Eventbrite here at Ticket Tailor, a leading independent ticketing platform. The most common justifications they give us are as follows:

High fees: Eventbrite has some of the most expensive fees in the business. They charge a percentage of the ticket price plus a high flat fee each ticket. Most event organizers in the United States pay 3.5 percent plus $1.59 for each ticket sold. As a result, their website calculates a fee of $4.67 per ticket sold for a $50 ticket. If a thousand people attend your event, it will cost you roughly $5,000.

Platforms like Ticket Tailor, on the other hand, just charge a nominal flat price. In fact, you can sell 1,000 tickets for only $390 if you pre-pay on Ticket Tailor. That’s a fantastic save for your event, in our opinion!

Slow customer support: As many major firms do, they find it challenging to maintain the same levels of service they provided in the past as they develop.

Many of the event planners we interact with want that personal touch, as well as rapid, responsive, and well-informed customer service. That’s why we provide event organizers with 24-hour customer service, even if their events are free. The average time it takes us to respond to a support request is less than two minutes.

 Difficult to use: Ticketing an event can be simple, but it can also get complicated very quickly for particular occasions. To make selling tickets online stress-free, you’ll need an easy-to-use and simple platform.

Ticket Tailor is designed with event organizers in mind; every feature is designed to be as simple as possible, making selling tickets online a breeze.

Own your own data: Your ticket buyers are yours, not a marketing tool for the ticketing platform you’re using. Unlike Eventbrite, which will keep emailing your ticket buyers about other events in their area, we will only email them once to confirm their order and then never again. Many event organizers favor this method because it prevents ticket buyers from receiving information about competitors’ events.