
What are the signs that you are wasting your life?

What are the signs that you are wasting your life?
  • You spend much too much time idly looking around social media on your smartphone.
  • You’re a YouTube/Netflix/TV binge-watcher.
  • You spend the entire weekend partying.
  • After waking up, you spend an hour on your phone, feeling lethargic.
  • You spend your days (Instagram/Snapchat) looking at other people’s lives.
  • You are constantly reading about celebrity rumors, gossip, and the latest fads/hype.
  • You indulge in a lot of chatter.
  • You’re just going through the motions of life, and you can’t wait for the day to end because you have nothing planned for the next day.
  • On the inside, you feel terrible for not investing your time more wisely.

Instead than focusing on the negative aspects of your life, consider the following suggestions to improve your situation:

  1. Set a timer on your phone to remind you when you’ve spent too much time on social media (unless you’re using it for work or as part of your personal branding).
  2. Reading should take the place of consuming meaningless web stuff. Read a lot, and read a lot more.
  3. Instead of overindulging in partying, spend your weekends focusing on your side hustles, learning a new skill, or participating in sports (the occasional partying is fine)
  4. Get up as soon as you wake up and create an inspiring morning routine that is unique to you.
  5. Tip 1’s guidance applies here.
  6. Stop reading sensationalized news and instead educate yourself on more important topics such as politics, money, and economics.
  7. Form social circles where you are inspired to be better by transforming your talks with people into mutually empowering ones.
  8. Make plans, schedule your day, and plan your week; whatever your schedule gets done.
  9. This issue is solved with tip #8.
  10. And there’s no more remorse:)