
What is an Analytical Mind?

What is an Analytical Mind?

Your mind is always keeping a record of everything that is happening to you. all sights. every noise every flavor. Smell, hurt, and emotion. Touch. Everything.

These records together make up your “time track,” which is a chronological account of all the experiences you’ve had throughout life. Your mind makes decisions and resolves issues pertaining to your survival using this information. You have a better chance of surviving if its decisions are better.

The analytical mind—the portion of your brain that thinks, remembers, and calculates—is where the majority of this information is kept. However, not every experience you have is stored in those analytical memory banks.

Dianetics made the finding that all of your traumatic experiences are kept in a newly undiscovered area of the mind. The reactive mind is the name for it. In an absurd attempt to convince you to prevent the same traumatic event from happening to you again, it then mirrors those experiences back at you.

There is a proverb that states, “To err is human.” But that’s not actually the case.

Since your mind’s analytical portion, which aids in decision-making and problem-solving, is essentially error-free.

Imagine your analytical mind as a computer. However, it’s a wonderful computer, not just any old computer. It is impervious to errors. Your ability to survive depends on it being correct at all times. However, the quality of its solutions depends on the data that it uses to compute.

You compute or react in an irrational or aberrated way when the reactive mind incorporates concealed, irrational information into your computations. A deviation from reasoned thought or action is referred to as an aberration. In essence, it denotes making errors or faults.

Your analytical mind is unaware that this illogical material is distorting its computations. In reality, it is unaware that the data even exist. That’s because, like any delicate machine, when you experience painful circumstances in your life, your analytical mind shuts down to try to protect itself.

Your reflexive mind immediately assumes control at that point and begins recording. This area of the mind is rougher, more resilient, and designed to survive the shock of pain.

Your reasonable thought processes are analytical. It compares objects and highlights their differences.

Your analytical mind would have no trouble if you were required to arrange blocks according to shape and color, for instance. This is so that it can recognize their distinctions. It considers distinctions. Analytical thought would be this.